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Self-Discovery “Know Thyself and to Thine Self BE True” 

involves the Journeys of Self- Actualization, Self Mastery, Personal Power, Sovereignty, Authenticity. Esoteric or Soul Centered Astrology is based upon the understanding that there is a spark of Divinity, or “Soul” within each of us (you find that in your personal Natal Astrology Chart).

Well, in the last few years with Pluto in Capricorn, the Aires/Libra Nodal Axis and embracing the Golden Age of Aquarian Enlightenment; a higher consciousness has been evolving; more humanitarian and a strong “populist movement.”

So, the Aires/Libra Nodal Axis energy from July 18/2023 until January 11/2025 was the “Axis of Identity” having the courage of the warrior fire energy – as you embraced your “inner self” and let go of “social niceties.” Shocking lots of people!

Now we embrace the Pisces/Virgo Nadal Axis from January 11/2025 until July 26/2026, “Axis of Matter and Spirit.” How to bring Spirit into Matter and Matter into Spirit, a beautiful energy of healing following the Aires/Libra Self Discovery and being able to embrace, acknowledge, honor and feel comfortable expressing your own Authenticity, Sovereignty, Self-Mastery the inward to outward. Now we move to healing shift of balance between our physical world and our true spiritual identity.

REFLECT on your own Self Discovery Journey and the “wisdom” of your soul now!

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